Firmenverbund zur Produktion von FFP-Masken in GeraProduction of FFP masks at Thorey in Gera:
Thuringia's Economics Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee with representatives of the participating companies and the State Development Corporation LEG.
Photo: Thorey Gera Textilveredelung
We produce medical and civil respiratory masks for corona protection.

Together with other companies from Thuringia we have worked on the development of a mask prototype according to FFP standard. Soon we will produce 5000 masks per day and shift in Gera.

It is planned to establish a three-shift system in a few weeks to cover the demand for protective masks. The Ministry of Economics supports the build-up of the production in order to avoid supply bottlenecks in the future and to be more independent from foreign companies.

In addition to FFP masks, simple face masks from the roll and reusable surgical masks will also be produced.

article by mdr thuringia
article in FREIES WORT

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